Thursday, January 11, 2007

January 11, 2007

Unlike yesterday I actually had to venture into the white wilderness today in order to scoot downtown for class. My mom and I left the house to walk to our various destinations (her, work and me, the bus stop) just after the sun finally appeared. It was clear, very crisp and the snow was still a pristine white. What's more, many of our fine neighbours actually shoveled their sidewalks. Hallelujah! Makes life that much simpler and is a decent means of exercising while this running culture lies in wait. This picture is right after my mom and I parted ways. I turned the corner and was immediately thankful I had brought along my camera. Sometimes nature astounds me. Tell me, are we relinquishing these picture perfect days come thirty or forty years? Will all this be underwater? Melted away like a burnt down candle...

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